
Golden Snowflake Ski Industry Alliance- GSSIA is a non-government organization founded by the top corporate and individual leaders of the Chinese ski industry. We are the voice and the hub of our community- continually supporting our members, providing them with research, knowledge, tools and opportunities to grow their businesses. GSSIA members include the top of the best ski resorts, equipment manufactures, gear brands, ski clubs and instructor organizations, medias, etc. They are not only from local businesses but also the globe chaebols who have ambitions to participate the rapidly growing Chinese ski market.

管理团队 Management

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鲍永林 先生 

金雪花滑雪产业联盟 发起人 

中国滑雪产业论坛 发起人


北京雪上飞体育用品有限公司 副总经理

北京莲花山滑雪场 总经理 

意大利泰尼卡集团大中华区 总经理

北京雪视界文化传播有限公司 执行董事


Mr. Berlin Bao 

Founder of GSSIA 

Founder of China Ski Industry Forum


Beijing Snowfavor sports co.,Ltd  Vice president

Beijing LianHuaShan ski resort General Manager 

Tecnica group President of Greater China

Beijing Snow Vision Co.,Ltd Executive Director  

More than 16 years management experience in Ski Industry 

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徐丽晶 女士

金雪花滑雪产业联盟 秘书长

北京市滑雪协会 副秘书长


北京怀北国际滑雪场 副总经理

崇礼富龙四季小镇 副总裁

崇礼太舞滑雪小镇 副总裁

北京雪视界文化传播有限公司 总经理


Ms. Pauline Xu 

Secretary General of GSSIA 

Deputy Secretary General of Beijing Ski Association


Beijing Huaibei ski resort Vice president 

Chongli Fulong.Seasonstown Vice president

Chongli Thaiwoo Ski Resort Vice president

Beijing Snow Vision Co.,Ltd General Manager

More than 16 years management experience in Ski Industry

根据世界各国的滑雪产业发展规律及经验,中国滑雪产业未来10年将处于快速发展期。以美国滑雪产业作为对比: 美国在1960年举办了冬奥会之后,迎来了滑雪产业长达20年的飞速发展期。在短短20年间,年滑雪人次翻了25倍,年平均增⻓率近20%。因此,预计中国冰雪还将有至少10年的高速增长期,并将在2022年冬奥会前后迎来增长的巅峰期。在2030年后,中国滑雪产业将进⼊成熟期,届时有望成为全球最⼤大滑雪市场。

With the 2022 Winter Olympics coming to Beijing, the government is on a mission to get the nation on the slopes – and the growing number of skiers and ski resorts are testaments to the initiative success

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Join GSSIA is the best way to reach the top level resources of Chinese ski industry and to participate the fastest growing ski market of the world.